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            Often it feels as if change is galloping over a meadow and the powerful steed has left you standing in the field, gripping fear and doubt, wondering how it will all turn out.  When this sensation threatens to overwhelm you, whisper My name, call on Me.  For creation to continue there must be […]

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            Clinging, grasping, holding-on to all around you, may seem as if you are falling, slipping away, losing that which is familiar, and a part of your life.  When you are falling, you reach for something strong, to right the fall, to steady you, until you are back on your feet. You are looking […]

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            Be still, be quiet, and I will speak with you, so you might know, you are not alone, that there is so much for you to see, and it is all with you, now.  Do not be afraid of changes, which might befall you, for in the change there is growth, beauty, continuity.  […]

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            Resistance to change will only tire you, perhaps bring you into the energies of anger, retaliation, or dejection, thinking you are not up to the task.  I AM speaking to you, and My love is flowing to you unabated, as always.  None of you can escape the flow of My love unless you […]

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          If you are tempted to sadness, take a walk.  Even if it is raining, take a walk.  Breathe and walk, and change will soon begin settling in your heart.  You will feel loved.  You will feel it because it is coming to you from Me, as I am constantly loving thee.  Since I AM […]

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               No matter what the world has thrown upon you today, know this, beyond all things, know this.  You are greatly loved, eternally loved.  As a gentle stream offers a sweet song of surrender, surrender to My complete love for you.  Rest, within the flowing waters and be healed, of all wounds.  Dearest […]

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                   When the waves kiss the shore, when the birds, amongst clouds, do soar, you can see, for a brief time, mysteries unfold.  For that which appears to be a mystery, now, will alter, and change, and reveal, for a time, the truth that is there, always waiting to be found.  And […]

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