- 10
- Feb
- 2022
February 10, 2022
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
You can walk through your life, giving very little attention, or thought, to Me, yet, I will be there, watching over thee. You can move through the day, with very little to say, with Me, but I will be there, with thee. You can dance with your friends, and cry with your friends, visit family, meet peers, and interesting people, every day, without giving a thought to what I might say, but I AM there, with thee. And even if you intention is not to run away, your intention might be occupied, and your attention might be occupied, with other things, throughout the day. Still, I AM there with thee. So, when your attention, and focus, is not upon Me, during the day, I wait, for the night, to speak with thee. And the dreams come, and the thoughts float around. And while you are sleeping, I AM with thee, watching over you, giving you signs, in dreams. Whether you wish to speak to Me, or not, I AM waiting to speak with thee.
And The Holy Spirit says:
All through the day, and the night, The Creator of All Things is with you. The Creator of All Things has sent Me to live within you. The Spirit of God is within you, therefore, with you. At every waking moment, at every sleeping, resting, moment, I AM within you. Therefore, The Ways of God, are within you. Therefore, God is with you, always, in all ways.