God Speaks

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          You are a walking tabernacle from The Kingdom of God.  Begin to see the value of that, within you.  Focus not so much on that which you see, but the unseen, within, for that is where you will find The Gifts of The Holy Spirit, which will bear fruit unto the world created by man, through you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           In the world around you there is the unseen, and the seen.  And, just as within you, the unseen in the world around you, is more powerful than is the seen.  Within the unseen is created the seen.  Within your thought is created the miracle.




          As you move into the new day, you carry My Spirit, verily My Kingdom, with you, for My Spirit dwells, within you, and your soul holds, within it, My Kingdom.  You have heard it said that The Kingdom of God is near to you.  You are a daughter, or son, of The Kingdom of God.  This does not change, just because you forget that.  This does not change, just because you reject that.  This does not even change when you layer My Spirit, My Kingdom, with the energies of anger, hatred, or judgment.  My Spirit is with you always, in all ways.  Sometimes, it is necessary to do a bit of cleansing to recover The Presence, within.  But it is worth the work, to recover the gift, which has already been given, which lives, within thee.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you walk, in The Light of God, you path is always illuminated, and you know The Way.






          What you are seeking cannot be found in the world where material objects eventually rust, decay, crumble, or fade away.  For, that which your spirit is seeking, that which your soul knows well in its everlasting existence, will not rust, decay, crumble, or fade way.  You are seeking the eternal.  And the eternal exists, within you.  You carry eternity, within you.  Within is where to go, first.  The material world will often lead you in circles.  The truths, facts, even dogmas will change, will alter, with the discovery of new truths, facts, leading to the creation of new dogmas, leaving you with more questions with no answers.  Be still, be quiet, and go within.  That which you seek will be revealed, in the quiet of your soul.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           State now, that which you seek, and be still.  In the quiet, with the sincerity of your heart open to accept that which I reveal, is when you come to see, embrace, and know.  Wisdom will come to you, as you are enfolded within My love for you, as you hear all you are ready to bear.  Come, seek within, where the door shall be opened, as you knock, as you sit, as you wait, as you come to Me.




          Be mindful of that which you say.  Thoughtfully select each word, as if was a treasure of great value.  For, your words fall upon the ears of others, are absorbed by others, touch the heart of others.  Your words have the ability to bless, or to curse.  Do not spew them from your mouth carelessly.  Refuse to allow your words to curse another.  If you will take the time to do this, your lifetime upon Earth will be one of peace.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Better never to speak at all rather than to harm another with a weapon of words.



          The setting sun is a peaceful event.  It is peaceful because you know the sun will rise again.  The rising and the setting of the sun is something you know from experience.  Depending on your age, you might have seen it occur thousands of times.  The sun will rise.  The sun will set.  As all things rise and set, you too shall rise and set on into eternity, rising and setting, according to The Divine Plan.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           As the rising sun heralds the beginning of a new day, the setting sun announces the end of the day.  And then, it will all happen again.  The rising and setting of the sun is, as is the new day, a blessing beyond compare.  See it as such.



          Even if you believe your faith is the size of a grain of sand, you have all you need to do that which you are meant to do.  For, once you recognize the power within you, nothing can stop you from fulfilling your destiny.  Believe, and it will be so.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           You were not sent to Earth lacking anything you need to complete your mission.  You are from God, of God, and through God.  You have it all.  Believe, and it will be so.



          Let a story about the shifting sands settle within you, and bring peace, even if you feel storms are blowing you into forms you do not recognize.  Think of the sand of the desert.  It is lifted up, and blown, with no apparent rhyme or reason.  Yet the transformation of the desert is a changing scene, of great beauty.  The sand does not resist the wind.  And from the communion of wind and sand there comes something of beauty, changing beauty.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Allow My breath to lift you up, and settle within you beauty, which changes, yet always remains beautiful, eternally beautiful.