God Speaks

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Tomorrow, we will be on the road, once again, on the final leg of our summer adventure, with family.  We will resume posting God’s Daily Message, upon return to the mountains of North Carolina, and The Quiet Place, on September 1, 2023.  Blessings of Abundant Joy.


          When words of rejection pierce your heart as an arrow, I will heal the wound with the balm of My love for you.  This is not an empty promise.  It is the pouring out of My longing to hold you, My child, within My embrace, and wipe all pain from your being.  Your body might weep, but your spirit holds the wisdom of truth.  It is from your spirit your sight is illuminated, and you see, with the eyes of your soul.  You are no longer locked in the combat of words, hurling rejection, or anger toward others.  For, you shall see from whence the hurt does come.  The angry scream out from the rejection, hurt, and boiling anger inside.  This I will show you, so you might bless and forgive that which you could not bring yourself to bless and forgive, before.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Be washed in the healing waters of God’s love for you.  And bask in the sacred release of all such things, which harm you, in any way, at all.  Allow your spirit to come forth, from within your physical form, and speak from the soul.  Speak, and it is so.





          When the sun does rise, sleep still in your eyes, the peace of slumber gives way to the joy of a new day.  And at each rising, I AM there, with you, seeing the colors of morning, hearing the song of the bird.  Something new is beginning.  Can you feel it in the song?  Can you feel it within the colors of the rising sun?  Set your heart, to open form, to receive that which comes.  Set your soul, to remember all that is.  Set your spirit, to guide you, as you walk in this new day, knowing I AM with you, all The Way.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Come with Me.  The adventure yet to be is before you, and I AM with thee.  Where shall we go on this newest of days?  It is all there.  The answer is held within the choice.  You have been given the gift to select the path, to choose the words, to harken to the call.  And I AM with you, through it all.  Rise up and do not tarry in the shadows of yesterday, in the dreams of the night, but set your sails toward forever, and all it will bring.






           When the waves kiss the shore, when the birds, amongst clouds, do soar, you can see, for a brief time, mysteries unfold.  For that which appears to be a mystery, now, will alter, and change, and reveal, for a time, the truth that is there, always waiting to be found.  And all will happen within Divine Time.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           If you will be still, and quiet, you will hear the sound.  Its vibration defies the ear of those whose hearts are closed to The Spirit.  But at the moment you surrender, and float upon the river of eternal flow, there comes the sound, the vibration, in a tone so sweet it can only be remembered with the soul.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Listen, and you shall hear, and within its beauty, you shall be lifted up, you shall soar.



           When you hear the song of creation, floating on the summer breeze, or the winter wind, it flows with you into the day, and settles you comfortably into the night.  You hear, and become, a partner in the song of creation, by your very being.  You do not have to do anything special to assume your place, within the song.  The song is there, and you are there.  It is.  You are.  It is natural, without effort.  And that is how it is, My son, My daughter.  It is.  You are.  Without effort, you are naturally a unique piece of the whole, a whole in which each piece is loved into the completeness of the whole.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           When you are still and quiet, you can hear the song of creation all around you, and from within you.  There is communion, within you.  The song is complete, within you.  Creation is complete, within you.  It all happens, within you.  And through that which you do, all the world sees communion, through what you say, through what you do.




          I AM the only constant.  I reach out, gathering you, within My Presence, which is constant with you.  There is not one person, living amongst you now, who can promise to be with you every second, minute, and hour, of every day.  Yet, that is My promise to you.  I AM with you, forever.  There is no place you can go, that I AM not there, with you.  Talk with Me.  Let the whisper flow from your heart, and fill the corridors of all time, and I will hear it.  No matter what comes to you today, I AM with you.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           There are those amongst you who doubt My presence within them, and within you.  They have not yet made the time to be still and quiet, and seek the answer, regarding My presence, within.  But there are those amongst you who not only believe in My presence, within, by faith, but know of My presence, within, by experience.  One cannot read this into fruition.  One cannot study this into fruition.  My presence, within, is a gift; and the knowing of it is a gift of grace, which opened the heart, spirit, and soul, in such a way to accept, and embrace the settling knowing of My presence, within,






The vibration, the tone, the sound, it is all there.  Nature surrounds you with My Song of Creation.  Space vibrates and shimmers with My Song of Creation.  The seas, and oceans, even deserts of sand, vibrate, within the realm of creation.  Do you see My eyes, in the fleeting, flight of the bird?  Do you hear My voice, in the sound of The Wind?  Be still, and be, with Me, in all creation.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           Yes.  Come.  Flow into My chamber, which is within you.  Once you set the destination, it is.  For you have the gift of freewill.  You can choose.  You can accept or refuse.  But, when we sit together you will come to understand the gift, the accepting, and the refusing, in a different light, and that light shall illuminate The Way.