- 10
- Jun
- 2023
June 10, 2023
- Posted ByThe Quiet Place
- InDaily Message
Come, let us speak of the joy of forgiveness, and how it will free you from the prison created within. You see, by creating and carrying the energies of anger and resentment, they are nurtured by you. When you focus on these thoughts, they grow, and soon begin to show their powerful presence in the words you sow. They will drag you down into a place of anxiety and hatred, if you continue to feed them. What good are these energies? They are not of good. They do not come from good. Their fruit is bitter and stings the tongue. Sit with Me, and revisit the source of the anger and resentment, which is plaguing thee. We will speak of forgiveness, which is the key to set you free. Do not resist just because the feeling does not reside within thee, yet. The beginning of the forgiveness is saying the words, “I forgive. God help me to forgive. I forgive.” Have no doubt that I will hear your words, and move within thee. Soon, you will feel the stirring, and there will come, from the stirring, the desire, to free yourself. Together, we will set you free, and then, no more will anger and resentment reside in thee, for you hold the key to the prison. The key is forgiveness, and it is now in your care. Sit with forgiveness, often. Let it be your prayer.
And The Holy Spirit says:
Ego will tempt you into anger and resentment, often. Resist such temptations. But, if they do capture thee, remember, you hold the key. The key is forgiveness. Speak the words and set yourself free.