Home / Daily Message / March 30, 2022

March 30, 2022



      Do not permit the things, you are taught, from the world, created by man, to cloud, your faith, and trust, in Me, with doubt, concern, anxiety.  For, I gather you to Me, and as we sit, together, you know, far more than you will ever know, by reading the books, written by man.  For, My teaching, dwells, within you.  My Spirit, dwells, within you, so that you can rise-up, and say, every day, that you are taught, by God.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       To make sure, that the sons and daughters, walking upon Earth, know, The Ways of God, God sent, unto you, and into you, The Holy Spirit.  I AM The Holy Spirit of God, and I dwell, within you, so bring all your questions, to Me, and I will teach thee.  This is done so that all the sons and daughters, of Earth, shall be taught, by God, from the time of their birth, upon the Earth, until they are called Home.  The words, of God are, within.  Ask, and you will know, The Ways of God.