Home / Daily Message / October 14, 2023

October 14, 2023


          I will lift you up, as if you are floating upon a leaf, slowly descending to the stream below.  And then, I will move thee, you, and the leaf, to go wherever the stream takes you to go.  Passing the banks of the stream, on either side, onward, you and the leaf, I will guide.  Then, comes the river, and the stream emptying into it.  There, you, and the leaf, move on.  Your journey will be upon the current, rising and falling as so does the river.  And possibly, one day, the river will empty you, and the leaf, within a great body of water, which will embrace you, and take you as its own.

 And The Holy Spirit says:

           The Hand of God is guiding you.  Now, you can choose to stay and say, “No.”  But the adventure of eternity is happening all around you.  The Hand of God moves, and all within it go onward, riding upon My Breath, feeling all eternity, within the flow, going with you, wherever you go.