Tag Archives: glorious

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          You have marveled at, the great cathedrals, the soaring spires, of churches, temples, and synagogues, built for the glory, My Glory.  But I will tell you, which cathedrals, and soaring spires, of thought, and vessels, are more valuable, to Me, than these built of brick, and mortar, and stone, and wood, and […]

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          Creation continues, and it starts in your thoughts.  And as you think, and wish, and pray, your thoughts grow, in intensity.  That, which you create, in your thought, comes to life, when you speak it.  So, be mindful, of your thoughts, for, within your thought there is the seed.  And when you […]

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        Do not allow fear, or doubt, or anxiety, to become the ingredients of any of your creations.  No matter what you are doing, right now, no matter what you are creating, right now, cleanse yourself of these ingredients, before they spoil, your creation.  Once created, with these energies, it can be a challenge […]

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          There is not one mountain peak, that is more majestic than you.  There is not one ocean, one body of water, that is grander than you.  There is not one valley, that is more glorious than you.  There is not one song, of the bird, that is more uplifting than you.  There […]

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