Tag Archives: God Speaks

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There are days upon the Earth when you awaken in the morning and all seems right. Your heart is filled with joy. Your spirit is light. You are eager to rise and encounter the new day and what it holds. At other times, you awaken in the morning and your body and your mind and […]

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  Be careful that you do not allow your senses to become dull. Too much input dulls your senses. If you are constantly exposed to noise—to talk, to music, to loud noises—then your ears can become dull. If you are constantly exposed to many different sights—constantly watching something—then your eyes become dull. If you are […]

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  Negativity weighs you down. It makes your feet feel like they are filled with lead causing your steps to be slow and heavy. It makes your whole body feel like it is fighting, like walking upstream in a fast-flowing river. Cast negativity away from you. When it comes, when it settles in your mind […]

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  You have the freedom to choose. You can choose to do good, to love those around you, to give without expecting anything in return, to turn the other cheek. You can choose to do this good to another. You can choose to forgive. You can also choose to not do this good. You can […]

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  I have called you by name. I called you by your name because I know you. I know you. Therefore, I know your name. When you do not know someone, you generally refer to them as “sir” or “ma’am”. This is a generic term. It simply means that you identify them as another human […]

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  I AM with you. I wish to walk and talk with you just as friends do—to share your inmost thoughts, your dreams, your wishes, your hurts, and your fears. I desire for us to be friends and to walk and talk as friends each and every day. I have many names. Some of these […]

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  Come today and enjoy the beauty of my creation. Gaze up into the sky. Ponder the vastness. Sit in the grass. Observe all the different blades—shapes and sizes and colors. Stand on a rock. Consider the material it is made of and how it came to be. Put your feet in some water, and […]

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