Tag Archives: sitting with God

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            In times of turmoil, you will find it difficult to live, within the teaching that love is the most powerful energy of all.  And this is so, because, in times of great disruption, it appears that the energies of aggression and control do win, do take over the situation, demanding a place of […]

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            Do not toil in the ways of gloom, for to do so will only lead you deeper and deeper into sadness and hopelessness.  You are meant to dance in The Light, and sing the songs of eternal glory, so that the energy of the vibration will lift you up.  When you sit in […]

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            Be still.  Be quiet.  There is not one thing worthy of consuming you within the energies of fear, doubt, anxiety, loathing, or dread.  But everything is worthy of bringing to Me.  Sitting with Me whatever is causing you stress will be revealed in a new light, My light.  It will no longer be […]

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            When your heart hosts a song of sadness, do not try to push it down, nor set it aside.  Be still and quiet and sit with what is happening, within you.  Sit with Me and we will follow the corridors of your inner being, traversing hallways and pathways until we see exactly what […]

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            There will be no lamenting decisions reached when first you sit with Me.  Put Me at the center of all you do, no matter what is in front of you, and you will always find yourself at the right place, with every decision you make.  In this way I will guide you to […]

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            Here I AM.  I AM waiting, in the morning mist, as the day slowly begins.  I AM here, bathed in the light of the sun, as it warms the day, bringing new life to all things.  I AM here, with you, no matter what the unfolding situation might be.  Do not give in […]

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              Do not allow the desire to retaliate consume you, drying up the river of love within you, until you are course and brittle.  For My child, this is not The Way.  If you will come and sit with Me, we will look and see the truth in the matter, which is boiling […]

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