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            Let go of every fear, which seems to be haunting you, from a million years away, yet drawing closer every day.  For, fear is not the reality.  Fear is created within you.  You give birth to it.  Thus, making it your reality, sometimes, when you do not know what to do.  This feeling […]

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            Do not permit your heart to bear the weight of bitterness, anger, or frustration.  While these energies might swirl around you, they do not necessarily have to invade your inner landscape.  Sit with Me so the lessons of living within will ensure the calm confidence to move through choppy, or uncharted, waters, making […]

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            Let your feet dance freely.  Let your lips pronounce the words, which flow from your heart in eager, joyful rhythm.  Use your body to exclaim the song of your spirit, the anthem of your soul.  You exist from the center, from the core, from the spirit that is the eternal you.  Use your […]

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            If you are tired, and weary, I give you My strength and courage to carry on.  If you hunger, and thirst, for justice, I give you My Spirit to guide you and counsel you, feed, nurture, and quench your thirst.  If you long for love, and compassion, I give you Mine, drawing you […]

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            When words of rejection pierce your heart as an arrow, I will heal the wound with the balm of My love for you.  This is not an empty promise.  It is the pouring out of My longing to hold you, My child, within My embrace, and wipe all pain from your being.  Your […]

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              I AM the only constant.  I reach out, gathering you, within My Presence, which is constant with you.  There is not one person, living amongst you now, who can promise to be with you every second, minute, and hour, of every day.  Yet, that is My promise to you.  I AM with […]

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            What you are seeking cannot be found in the world where material objects eventually rust, decay, crumble, or fade away.  For, that which your spirit is seeking, that which your soul knows well in its everlasting existence, will not rust, decay, crumble, or fade way.  You are seeking the eternal.  And the eternal […]

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