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            In the days of song, sing, participating fully in the experience, allowing it to pass through you, leaving understanding, so you might be present when others embrace the song.  In the days of sadness, be still and quiet, participating in the experience, allowing it to pass through you, leaving compassion so you might […]

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            Do not strangle your heart with weeds of discontent, allowing rocks and stones of anger or revenge, or hurt feelings to mar that sacred space.  Permit the garden of your heart to grow, bringing forth a harvest of love from well-tended, rich soil.  Tend your heart with thoughts of compassion, forgiveness, and love, […]

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              When you are free, there is none who can harm thee.  Here, take My hand, and see.  Here, take My hand, and I will lead thee.  When your heart is at peace and calmness reigns within, there is unconfined joy, which none can take from thee.  Look and see how wonderful life […]

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            Try, for one day, to see things from a different point of view, a different perspective.  Do not argue or resist the exercise.  Drop all preconceived notions and allow what another has said to flow through you, without need of argument, barriers, or limitations, without interrupting to speak.  Listen with your heart and […]

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          Let kindness show The Way for all you do today.  The light, you are creating, will lead you, as you make choices of compassion and understanding.  You will be the bringer of light wherever there is shadow, or darkness.  You will not be so tempted to harshness or a mean-spirited approach to […]

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          How do others know you?  What is your presence, in the world today, saying?  When you live your life, upon Earth, every person, you encounter, has an opinion, of you, whether it is conscious or not.  So, as you go out in the world, make your mark, in such a way, that […]

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          When you are feeling the weight of the burden, when a heaviness settles upon your shoulders, there is a way to experience a lightness of being.  That feeling of guilt, within you, can be wiped away, by rising up, and taking responsibility for something you did do, or say.  And, in that […]

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