God Speaks

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          When the hillside is ladened with snow, you might slip, and fall away.  When the decks are pounded with rain, you might slip, and fall away.  When all around you, others are cursing, and calling your name, you might slip, and fall away.  No matter what attempts to trip you, know, as you slip, and fall away, you are caught, in My arms.  And I draw you to My breast, and I whisper, “My child, you will never fall away.  For, I will catch you, as we are one.  And you will walk, and we will talk, and the light of the sun will touch you, and you will know, once more, you are My child.”  Do not fear.  Do not fear the slipping, or the falling, for I will reach-out My hand, and say, “rise-up, a new day is dawning.”

And The Holy Spirit says:

           As you go about your day, do not waste your energy wondering what if this, or that, might befall you.  Go into your day, joyfully, with an open heart, singing, knowing, you have a safety net of angelic beings, of The Creator of All Things; and, I AM, within you.  So, you see, no matter what the day brings, you are not alone.  We are with you.  And as we whisper, “rise-up,” you will.  And within your eyes, will be The Light of God, shining, from within you.  Be at peace, as you enter this day.  Open your heart and welcome the new day.




No matter where you are, today, if you look, you will find a little seed.  And that seed holds promise of a new life, a life blossoming, and blooming, living.  My child, within each of you there is a seed.  That seed is of Me.  That seed is your promise of a new life, of eternal life.  Find the seed.  Go within.  Sit quietly, and begin to understand that, that seed was planted within you, before life began.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Be kind and gentle to all you meet.  Each of you is carrying a seed, without which you would not be complete.  That seed is of The Kingdom of God, and it is within each of you.  Acknowledge that within each of you.  For, you cannot see the seed, within you, but it is possible to see the blossom, and bloom, of that seed, within thee, when you rise-up, and know, that the presence of God is, within thee, with thee, for all eternity.  Be still, and know, this.




          Open your heart and give.  Allow love to flow, from you, without measuring it.  Just allow it to flow, from you.  As you breathe, give the gift of love.  There is no end to the love that is within you, because I AM within you, and I AM love.  You cannot deplete the resource of love.  Love is the energy of creation.  And as you love, you create.  You take that, which I give to you, and give, to others.  Give without expectation.  Do not withdraw your love.  If the gift of love is not embraced, give anyway.  Do not allow the ways of the world to harden your heart.  Do not deny your love, keeping it from some, while giving it to others.  Let it flow from you, freely, loving as I love you.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           God does not have to try to love, because God is love.  God is within you.  Therefore, the purest form of love is within you.  And, if you acknowledge this, and give credence to it, you will then come to know, that the font of love is within you, too.  You can permit love to flow from you, freely, because you are taking that which God has given unto to you, and releasing it: without locking it up, within you; without denying love to some, and giving it to others.  God’s love is within you.  I AM within you.  The Kingdom of God is within you.  Therefore, let that which is within you flow from you, as God’s love flows to you, unending, never ceasing, comforting, nurturing, creating.




          Do not permit the energy of anger to ensnare you, drawing the cord tighter, and tighter still, until there is no will, to escape, content to languish there.  We will unwrap the cords of frustration, and dismay, as we talk.  So, come and sit with Me, and you will see how easily they begin to loosen, and then, slip from thee.  This will happen as we look, and see, the situation which stirred anger, within thee.  Within the looking, and seeing, the song of forgiveness will begin.  And as we sit, the notes of forgiveness will rise to a crescendo, touching all remaining anger.  And we will watch the incineration of that which plagued thee, resting in the knowing that it was your forgiveness which rescued thee.  Come, sit with Me, and we will begin the litany of forgiveness, together.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Once you are tangled in the web of anger, it is not easy to disengage, and free yourself, especially if you are content to blame others, for your situation.  Each twist and turn, each declaration of fault, and guilt, will imprison thee.  Be still, be quiet, and come to Me.  As we sit, you will see, and the situation will begin to hold clarity, as truth is revealed to thee.  Forgiveness is the key which will set you free.  So, come and sit with Me.




          Pay attention.  Heed My call.  Feel My presence, for I AM with you.  Where are you going?  There is no need to run, or hurry.  Whatever you are doing, stop.  Stop, and create the energy of compassion and kindness, as it will assist you in all you do.  Believe in the truth, which comes from within you.  What others say, or do, has only to do with them.  It has nothing to do with you.  Your counsel waits within you.  Your comfort waits within you.  Your advocate waits within you.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Breathe-in deeply.  Exhale slowly, and begin the journey, within.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           At first it will be difficult to release what you have been taught, to embrace that which I will teach thee.  But that which I will teach thee stems from the root of the truth and the wisdom of God.  Sometimes it will not mesh well with the teachings of Earth, but it will always bring you peace because it is of The Divine.




      “I AM with you.  Here, take My hand.  It is just before you.  It is reaching out, from within you.  Hear Me.  My call is for you.  Recognize My voice, by remembering, we are one.                            


      “Time and tide wait for no man.  That is a saying you have heard often, and it is true.  From the source of creation, until now, everything is moving, growing, expanding, living.  Creation is life.  All that God created lives, and it live eternally.  God thought, and it was.  The thoughts of God live, and they live, within you.  This might seem a mystery to you, but it is not.  It is clear.  It is pure.  It is truth.

      “As you live in the world, you are shaped by the world.  Your worldly experiences are your teachers, and from them you learn how to respond, how to react in certain situations.  This is training, conditioning.  The world expects you to react, or act, as you have been trained, taught by experience.  But I AM asking you, today, to set all worldly experiences aside, and sit with Me, for a while.

      “The world teaches you to set boundaries, and not let those who have hurt you come close again.  I teach you to turn the other cheek, and love beyond injury, or the sting of insult.  The world teaches you to retaliate when there is conflict.  I teach you to be still, to be quiet, so conflict subsides, as the ocean ebbs, returning to the sea, before returning to the shore.  The world teaches you to hold onto what you have gained, so your lauder will be full, and your storehouse rich in abundance.  I teach you to give, and give, more than that which is asked of you.  The world teaches you, to hate those who differ from you, to stay, within your camp.  I teach you to love, even those who are considered, to be your enemies. 

      “These teachings and many more I left with you, but they are still mostly ignored, in humanity’s striving to gain more, and more.  The Wisdom of God is ultimate truth.  It does not blend well with the teachings of the world.  But that does not make it any less the truth.  To make sure that you know The Way, The Holy Spirit was sent unto you, to dwell within you, to be your Advocate, in all times, to be your Counselor in all times, to be your Comforter, in all times.  You have not been left alone to wander Earth.  I AM with you, and within you.  Eternity is within you.  Go within.







          When you make the time to sit with Me, when you make the time to speak with Me, to listen, to hear, Me, you are creating an environment, within you, wherein you no longer permit fear to consume you.  It does not stop you.  It does not freeze you in place because you know a space, wherein we talk, wherein you grow, wherein you know I AM always with you.  As you move through the world, and busy yourself with chores, and tasks, business, friends, family, it is easy to forget you are a temple, wherein dwells eternity.  The reality is within.  The temporary, the fleeting, is what you see all around you.  That which you see around you, the body you touch, which is yours, and all you see around you, is temporary.  And it will fade away.  But the environment, in which you nurture the spirit that is you, is eternal.  And fear does not live within My light.  Every time you go within, you draw nearer, and begin to understand The Great Mystery of the landscape, within.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Use nature, as it exhibits, the reality of the power, and the life, within.  No matter how beautiful the flower, if the roots, the parts of the flower, held within the soil below, are not healthy, filled with nourishing minerals, drawing up the waters, which saturate the Earth, the flower will fade, and whither, and die.  That which you do not see, with the human eye, is more powerful than that which you see.  Your power, your strength, comes from within.  Do not ignore where the power lies.  It lies within you.  It is there.  It is time for you to plug-in to all that is available, and waiting, for you.  And then, the day will be one of glory.  It will be a day that tells the story of you, and how you went within, to find all you needed, to explore the wonders of Earth, all around you.  Go within.