God Speaks

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          Proclaim your freedom, by trusting in My love for you, today.  Let not your heart be worried, for you are held within My love.  You have not felt it completely because other things, people, and situations have taken up your thoughts, and filled your day.  Empty, your vessel of thought, and sit with Me, today.  Shake away thoughts, churning within, pushing to the fore, so you will give them more credence, more attention.  Once you realize you are not your thoughts, your thoughts are not you, you will clearly see, and be in union with, Me.  Those thoughts, which can plague you through the night, and into the day, are robbing you of the glory of knowing Me.  They have become the filter through which you sieve everything, altering your perspective, and the way you live, to reflect the filter.  Come, let us clear the filter, as you sit, with Me.

And The Holy Spirit says:

           Clear your mind of the invading thoughts, which sweep into your head, bringing chaos and confusion, diluting your day, into worry, concern, and dismay.  The place of freedom is within The Love of God.  It is yours, now.  God’s love is with you, now.  You do not have to do anything to earn what is already with you.  Come, let us clear your thoughts, as you sit with Me, today.




Breathe-in the beauty, all around you. Do not take it for granted. Look, and see, and know, what is set before you, no matter where you are. Seek beyond the confines of your room, or your home, or your school, or your office, wherever you. Go beyond. Walk barefoot in the grass. Touch the bark of the tree. Take time to appreciate the flight of the bird. These are the gifts of creation, and you are there to hold them in wonder, and to hold yourself in wonder, because you are not observing nature, you are nature. You are My creation, and: that is where you belong; that is where you will find your peace; that is where you will reap wisdom from knowledge. You might know something, but until you sit quietly, amongst the trees, and grasses, and allow that knowledge to flow through you, open to all that it is saying to you, then, The Holy Spirit, within, will lead you from knowledge into wisdom.

And The Holy Spirit says:

      You can hear Me, whispering within you. You can feel Me, bringing messages to you, anywhere; but they flow more smoothly, when you are not confined, when the walls are down, when the doors are open; because you and I, at the core of your being, you, and The Spirit of God, are the center, the core. And when you are no longer confined by preconceived notions, walls, and doors, there is no circumference at all. It is just you and Me, and The Wisdom of God. Be still, and sit with Me.



      Let a leaf call your attention.  Allow the insect to reveal its colors.  Permit the sun to shine upon your face.  And open to My love.  Accept My grace.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Great freedom belongs to those who walk in nature, and see it, as it truly is, The Glory of God.  The beauty of nature was born, first, in the thoughts of God.  And then, creation was.  It was brought into being, through The Love of God.  You were brought into being, through The Love of God.  God loved you, into being.




      Resist the temptation to carry a burdened heart.  Come, and sit with Me, and I will teach thee how to set down your burdens, in peace, and tranquility.  No matter what your worry might be, come, and sit with Me. 

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Do you feel as if someone has harmed you in some way?  Do you feel neglected, not appreciated?  Do you feel you want to cry?  No worry, or concern, is too small to bring to Me.  For, I was sent to be your Advocate, your Comforter, your Counselor.  Use the gift you have been given, and speak with Me.  All which is distressing thee can be resolved by forgiving, blessing, and loving yourself enough to see the truth in whatever is plaguing thee.



      Cease the running, the hurrying, the loud noises, the booming sounds, and be still.  You cannot hear Me when you are clanging.  You cannot feel Me when you are hurrying, all around.  The way to feel Me is to stop, and sit down, and be still.  There is much which I will share with you, so many things I will show you.  But all that I will reveal is being ignored.  So, I AM saying, clearly, hear Me, feel My presence, with thee, know Me, so you might know The Way.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       It is difficult to hear the person next to you, even if they try speaking loudly, when all around you there is booming noise.  It is very difficult to hear your partner speaking when you are at a concert, and the music is blaring, deafening, almost.  But the deafening is reality when all the racket, and the noise, keeps you from hearing The Voice of God.



      “I AM with you.  Hear Me.  I AM with you.  Feel My presence, stirring with thee, for it is all truly one.  Heaven is with you, now.  I AM with you, now.                        

      “You might think that Heaven awaits you.  And through the process of your physical body, your earthly body passing, ending, dying, you feel you will gain entrance into The Kingdom of God.  And this is not quite true.  The Kingdom of God is already with you.  But you will not open your eyes and see it.  You will not open your ears and hear it.  Therefore, you cannot open your mouth and speak of it.  But I tell you, it is with you. 

      “Heaven does not exist in some far-off place, in another planet.  It is with you.  And you have access to it, now.  I urge you, do not delay, your participation, in a heavenly experience, of Earth.  Open your eyes, and begin to see the light, and the beauty, of God’s creation that is with you.  He did not create, and then, fling it away.  God’s creation remains with God, and so do you, because you are created of God.  God knew you before you were created.  You were a thought, and a word, and you live.  And your life is not this temporary existence, you are experiencing, on Earth, right now.  Your life is eternal.  You are missing the excitement of this portion, this piece, of your eternal life.  Live your everyday life, as if you know this, as if you embrace that this is your eternal life.  For, if you can do this, then you can actually look forward to the change that will surely come, as it comes to the caterpillar, before it takes flight as the butterfly.  That is an example, in nature, of what you do.  Your transition, from one portion, or piece, of your eternal life to another, is beautiful, and glorious.  And if you will begin celebrating that you are living in eternity, right now, you will not fear the transition, you will welcome it to see what comes next in this great eternity that is the creation of God.

“Wake-up, and live.”




      I AM not in a far away place.  I AM within you.  At the core of your being, you will find Me.  There is no need to seek guidance, or instruction, from all those around you, to thumb through the pages of a book you feel might hold your answer.  The answer, all the answers, are within you.  And it is a solitary venue.  There is the temptation not to seek within, out of fear, and doubt, that you do not know where to begin, or that you cannot trust The Whisper, from within.  And I say to you, “Where do you place your trust?”  When you journey within often, you know My whisper, you recognize My voice.  You know the sound of Me, as I know thee.  There can be no mistaking it.  When I call My child, My child recognizes My voice.  Do not squander what time you have left upon Earth, by refusing to go within to sit with Me, to listen, and hear the answers, which are expressly for thee.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       When there are many children on a playground, it does not matter what game they are playing, they stop, and listen, when they hear the sound, of their name, being called.  And they look around, expecting to see their parent, or one who is trusted to guard over them.  And the same applies to your Eternal Parent.  When you sit with God enough, you know who is calling you, from within.  And you stop, focusing your attention on the world, around you, and you hurry to the door, and down the corridors within, to say, “Here I am.  You called.  I come.  I am here.”