Tag Archives: rejoice

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              Come, without hesitation come, and dance with Me.  Let us twirl, and leap into the air, celebrating Earth, and birth, and eternity.  Breathe in deeply and fill your lungs with the very air around you, sustaining your presence there in that space, which is a piece of eternity, wherein you reside for […]

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          “I AM with you.  I call to you from within, and when you are still and quiet, you can feel the stirring, and hear the tender whisper.  I AM calling to you, now.  Do you hear Me?  As I call from within, I also call from within nature all around thee, for […]

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    Is this the day you must stand, before those accusing you, and speak the truth, no matter what it might say about thee?  Is this the day you must be still and forgive those accusing you, and speak of love, forgiveness, and compassion?  Is this the day you turn to Me, in your […]

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        “I AM with you.  Knowing I AM with you is a gift.  Believing it, and walking into the world, holding the preciousness of the sacred gift, is the promise of peace through chaos and confusion, turbulence and strife.  Come with Me, today, and we will see life, upon Earth, in a different way.  […]

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        Those of you, running over the Earth, singing, and laughing, in the light of the sun, rejoice, for I rejoice, with you.  Whenever you find, the sheer delight, of living upon the Earth, cannot be restrained, or hushed, in any way, sing, dance, for I will sing, and dance, with you.  When the […]

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          Even when you feel lost and alone, you are not alone, for I AM with thee.  My Holy Spirit dwells, within you.  Heaven is with thee.  So, whenever you feel lost, stop.  Be still.  Be quiet.  Be not anxious, nor afraid.  Call My name.  Whisper My name.  And in the calling, in […]

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        A new day is with you.  Rise-up, and greet The Light with great delight.  Open your eyes to the possibilities, held within The Light.  The Light will illuminate all that is shadowy, or dark.  The Light will bring clarity to every situation, so that you might know The Way.  Rise-up so your heart […]

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