Tag Archives: The Presence of God

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              Come with Me and let us walk through the day together, just you and Me.  For, I AM here, always near, no matter where your day might go.  There is nothing to stop us, as we find no hesitation, only joy, and a glorious refrain to brighten every aspect of the day.  […]

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    Give Me your hand, as you feel yourself slipping beneath the waters of fear, and I shall resurrect you, drawing you into My presence, with you.  Anxiety shall not lap over your head, closing out the light, as you are drawn downward into an abyss, because you shall rise-up with Me, into the […]

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  No matter where you are, today, if you look, you will find a little seed.  And that seed holds promise of a new life, a life blossoming, and blooming, living.  My child, within each of you there is a seed.  That seed is of Me.  That seed is your promise of a new life, […]

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          Do not deny The Voice, calling to you, from within.  Do not fear to follow.  When you begin the journey, within, into all that is, there will come a time of surrender.  You will feel your physical body resist, the inclination to elevation.  Breathe deeply, and continue, for you are at the […]

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        In the time of want, and need, do not despair.  For, if you are still, and quiet, and open the eyes of your soul, you will see Me there.  And I will hold you, in My arms, draw you near, so you can feel, so you might hear.  And My breath will fall […]

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          Whenever there comes a time, during which you feel you are too tired to pray, or meditate, or reflect, or speak with Me, and these times will come, resist the temptation of an excuse.  Just begin by speaking My name, and then continue, because communication will take place with the first thought […]

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        Go forth, and do, good works.  Do not hesitate.  Freely give, that which you are sent to give.  For some, it might be food, or clothing.  For some, it might be money.  For some, it might be a tender word.  But it comes from you, and it is yours to give.  And the […]

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