God Speaks

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      The practice of patience will yield a harvest of peace.  But patience, once practiced, is not permanent.  You must practice every day to maintain steady ground in its pursuit.  Frustration will attempt to distract you, but persist in practicing, as patience is its own reward, leading you to a confidence which cannot be easily undone.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       The tree of patience yields succulent fruits, not just for your own enjoyment, but for sustaining a peaceful present for all those around you.  There is none, so sought after, than one, who carries patience, presenting it, as a gift, to all.




      With the heart, flowing of the energy of light, proceed into the day.  Do not push the inner light away, thinking there is too much to do this day.  Rather, make the time to focus, and embrace the light, which is there, within.  Feel, its knowing, of the truth, that is, within you.  Yes, truth is within you, and so is My light.  The illumination, of My light, will reveal the truth of that, which you should know, today.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Within The Light, you shall see, and in the illumination, of The Light, you will know The Truth.  Every encounter, every situation, once held in The Light, reveals its own truth, and imbues your knowing, with that which is.  Let The Light, that is, within you, lead you to The Truth.




      Guidance comes from within, even in answer to a thought question.  How often have you said words, such as, I knew I should have turned left at the traffic light; or, I felt something was not right about this?  At the time of your internal thought question, the answer came, but the physical brain overrode the message the spirit within was sending in response to your thought.  Trust that which comes from within your being, as it is the guidance you have been seeking.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       You trust a compass, and follow the way the indicator is pointing, because you know the compass is designed to give you direction, so you might know the way.  Now it is time to trust Me.  I AM your spiritual compass.  Follow The Way I AM pointing, because I have been sent to give you direction, so you might know The Way, and find comfort in the counsel you are given.  I AM The Holy Spirit of God, within you, and I cannot be broken, or lost, or taken from you.  I AM, within you, and I know The Way.



      There are many ways of living, upon the Earth, which will bring you joy, and peace.  And each one of these ways begins, within you.  Be still.  Go, within.  Find balance, within.  Sit long enough to feel the power, within you.  And then, rise-up, and use the power, I have given unto you, to bring peace, to bring joy, wherever you go.  You find it, within.  And once you find it, you can begin, sharing peace, and joy, with those of Earth.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Be content, where you are, right now.  If you are cold, be content, knowing you are cold, and then go, within to find resolution.  If you are hot, be content in the experience of heat, and go, within to find resolution.  No matter where you are be content, and go, within yourself to find: the resolution; and that which you are told, within the quiet, of the chambers, within you.  Then, you rise-up, and use the energy, of your Earth body: to find, that which you need, to bring you warmth, when there is cold; to cool, you, when it is hot; to feed, you when you are hungry.  But seek, the answer, the resolution, within, so that, that which you accomplish, with your body, has begun, within The Spirit of God, and you will truly be at peace.




      “I AM with you.  No matter where you go, where your travels, your journeys, take you, I AM with you.  And there too, you will find, you are never alone.  So, go, without hesitation, wherever you are called, and let your Earth journey unfold, as it is meant to, and be at peace, for I AM with you.    


      “As I walked, upon the Earth, thousands of years ago, I learned many things.  And one was how to be content, no matter what your day might bring.  And this contentment, is borne, within your knowledge, your knowing, to go within, to sit in that sacred space of spirit, within you, to make contact with, The Spirit of God that is, within you, about all things.  For, it is true, that even if you are cold, you can find contentment, in experiencing the cold, by then going, within, and sitting with The Spirit of God, and asking, ‘Show me The Way.  Please, will You show me The Way?’  And hearing the instruction, you will rise-up, and your spirit will lead your body, will animate your flesh, in such a way, that you know how to resolve being cold.  And you will wrap around you, not only the cloak, which will warm you, but The Wisdom of God, which is, within you, to show you The Way.

      “And the same applies to when it is very hot.  Experience the heat, and therein find contentment, knowing, that you will journey, within your being, and ask the question, ‘Will You show me The Way?’  And, in the knowing, in The Way, you will rise-up, and your spirit will animate your body.  And your body will move, and find the coolness of a breeze, or the coolness of water.  Whatever is needed, to bring the discomfort of the heat, to a contentment, knowing, that resolution, to anything the day is showing you, is found, within you, first. 

      “This will begin, your journey, in a different way, by letting your spirit show The Way, by letting your spirit lead your body of flesh to a resolution.  Therein, finding contentment in all things.  The contentment is knowing, there is the resolution, within.  Soon, you find, you do not even have to ponder the situation.  You immediately go within, and ask, ‘Will You show me The Way?’  And The Way is made clear for you.  And you rise-up, and your spirit animates your body; and the body will do, what the spirit intends it to do; and contentment is yours, because you know The Way.  You have found it, each day, by going within, to hear, that which The Spirit of God does say, to you.”






      Whenever there comes a time, during which you feel you are too tired to pray, or meditate, or reflect, or speak with Me, and these times will come, resist the temptation of an excuse.  Just begin by speaking My name, and then continue, because communication will take place with the first thought of the first word.  Even if you fall asleep, during our communion, what better place is there to fall asleep, other than in the arms of your Eternal Parent.

And The Holy Spirit says:

       Peace is a precious gift, which is achieved in the lap of God, in silence, sometimes with words unspoken, sometimes within a thought.  In the presence of God is where you find peace.


      We will be traveling for the weekend.  Messages received, during morning prayer, on Saturday, and Sunday, will be posted on this coming Monday.