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              Breathe in the air around you, draw it deep within.  Bless each breath you take.  Oh, see the world around you, as a sacred place.  Let joy fill your being with the love of the Earth, Earth so abundant, so rich, so sustaining of the human race.  She gives, so you might […]

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        “I AM with you.  Let all you do be filled with the power of these words.  I AM with you.  When you believe these words, you free yourself from all worry and doubt, because you know, I AM with you.             “Right now, you are living in eternity.  It is with you.  […]

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          I wish for you to know the simple way, not getting caught-up in looking for the grand, the big, a way that you will heal the sick, or work other miracles.  Today, I want you to consider what the miracle of compassion, kindness, charity, and love, can do.  It stokes the fires, […]

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          “I AM with you.  I reach-out My hand, and say, come.  Take My hand.  Walk with Me.  I will show you The Way.                                                          “My life, upon Earth, held many examples, of how you can use your life, upon Earth, for the good, for helping those in need, for sitting […]

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        The doors, to My house, are never closed, never locked.  Walk out into the forest, and stand, with the trees.  My house is never crowded.  It is never cramped.  There is room for all, as the leaves of autumn fall, creating a carpet of brilliant colors, on which to walk.  It is a […]

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  Negativity weighs you down. It makes your feet feel like they are filled with lead causing your steps to be slow and heavy. It makes your whole body feel like it is fighting, like walking upstream in a fast-flowing river. Cast negativity away from you. When it comes, when it settles in your mind […]

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        When you create love, that love, you create, lives, and it never dies.  When you create joy, joy lives.  It never dies.  When you create doubt, or fear, or worry, these too, never die.  And that makes it possible to be in the midst of plenty, but still have doubt, and worry, and […]

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